Thursday, January 28, 2010

Go straight to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.

That's what it feels like sometimes. I am just minding my own business, trying to live my life and then, BAM! I am back in the clink and everything is on hold.

I am in the hospital again. It's the fifth time in a year and a half and in spite of the personal trainer, massage therapist, and room service, I'd rather be home. I miss my hubby and I miss my baby. With swine flu precautions visiting is very restricted so I won't get to see them much. Hopefully, though, I will only be here for a week this time and then I will do IV' s at home for a week.

It's always frustrating to be back in here, but I have been thinking of some things the past couple of days that make me realize even in the difficulties there are blessings. So, this is my pre-Thanksgiving post: Three things this hospitalization made me grateful for.

1. We didn't realize when Chris decided to do a PhD how perfectly it would accommodate our families needs. His program is fairly flexible, the professor he's working with is super understanding, and Chris has been able to spend much of the past two days at home with Halle. Even once he is a professor, he will have a few classes, but mostly he will be doing research, which, although it is busy and requires a lot of time, it can be done on his timetable. He will be able to work around my hospitalizations better than he could in most other professions. Heavenly Father knew we would need that and I think that is part of why we were directed towards this career.

2. I have an amazing extended family who are super supportive and willing to help in anyway possible. Chris's sister, Emily, is coming from Oklahoma to stay for a week while I am here. She is bringing her 1-year old, Isa, so Halle will have someone to play with. I am pretty sure they will all be partying at home without me, but I am super grateful that she'll be there.

3. Insurance is the bane of my existence. Chris and I have spent many frustrating hours on the phone playing the insurance game and there have been times when I couldn't get the care I needed because of poor insurance. So, we are very grateful that we have good insurance that is going to allow me get the care I need. Now, no claims have been filed yet, so I hope I am not speaking prematurely,or maybe jinxing us, but I really think we'll have an easier time with insurance here.

Oh, I guess #4 would be that I didn't miss any holidays. I was home for Halloween and got to take Halle trick-or-treating, and I will be home for Thanksgiving, so it is relatively good timing.

So, things could be better, but they could be a lot worse. I guess we'll just take what we're given and make some lemonade...anyone want a glass?

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